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She is a designer, researcher, writer and a sustainability expert all in one. Her name is Babette Porcelijn.

“My passion is to inspire people to live an eco-positive life. I would love to be able to save the earth’s eco-systems, because intact eco-systems are a fundamental requirement for a peaceful future for humanity… no less.”

Her TEDxMaastricht talk will unveil hidden impact in our daily lives. “As Western consumers we have more impact on the environment than we think. Not just at home or at the gas station, but also on the other side of the world, by producing and transporting the things we buy on a daily basis. If you include this hidden impact you can change your everyday life five times more effectively. I’ve investigated hidden impact and I will show you how to live an eco-positive life.”

There’s not one change Babette would like to see in the world: “We need to make many changes at once. So perhaps the one change it all starts with would be for people to recognize the need for all of these changes and for them to enjoy making them!”

Would you like to hear Babette speak on stage during TEDxMaastricht 2018? Register here!

Ninih Vang