Gonny Willems is a curious, social and spirited person and these attributes seem to rub off on anyone who is around her.
She’s been part of the TEDx community since 2014 and is our licensee, coordinator and curator (aka the Mum of TEDxMaastricht)
Let’s find out a little bit more about her shall we… so Gonny what gets you out of bed in the morning?
Jimi Hendrix…Red House is on my snooze button
What’s your favourite part of being a TEDx Maastricht team member?
Meeting people from all walks of life is my favorite part. TEDx is platform for everyone, not just for academics or specialists. Anyone with an open, willing and eager mind is welcome. And our goal is to shake up those minds.
What can we wake you up for?
A free schedule, a free plane ticket and a full suitcase
What’s your favourite foreign accent?
Brasileiro. With my super power I would make everyone visit Brazil…
If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?
Telekinesis! A large part of our reality is subjective. Being able to have power of thoughts must come in handy. Of course I would only use it to save the planet…and perhaps some naughty stuff.
What is your background?
Psychology graduate turned PhD candidate at Jyväskylä University and Maastricht University, turned student coach and teacher, turned manager. Currently manage a department at the Student Service Center that offers a wide variety of student guidance from career advice, student psychologists, legal advice, scholarships and international support, and visa, admission and registration expertise. I love the variety!