A new edition of TEDxMaastricht, new opportunities and a new playing field to offer new ‘ideas worth spreading’ to our TEDx community. It’s a special anniversary edition, as we are we celebrating the birth of TEDxMaastricht as we know it! Since its origin five years ago, we are proud to facilitate a platform where original and creative ideas, small and big, can take flight. Not just in Maastricht, but in the global TED community as well. To celebrate TEDxMaastricht as a founding place where new ideas and initiatives can be launched. Our theme and inspiration for this is: ‘The process of Inception’.
‘A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite the rules. An idea, resilient and highly contagious, because an idea that is fully formed, fully understood, sticks! And once an idea has taken hold of the brain, it’s almost impossible to eradicate’ – freely quoted from the movie Inception.
We at TEDxMaastricht think that planting a seed is just the beginning. The quality and impact of an idea is largely formed by the right soil, breeding ground or pressure cooker. If the environment is nourishing and the hand of time is on your side, your idea will be able to evolve into a mature concept. We therefore challenge our speakers to not only share their success, but also to inspire our audiences to take action and initiative by showing them the context in which their idea was founded. This brings the hero TEDx speaker closer to the individual trying to take action.
Because for us, inception also means the beginning of undertaking a new (ad)venture and taking action. Even though you may think you cannot change anything as an individual, we’d like to invite you to join our community. Anyone of us can ‘be a changing factor in the world’: small actions matter. As TEDxMaastricht we are a collective of individuals and as such we are one of 3600 similar community events organised yearly around the globe. So collectively, the global TEDx community is able to cause ripples of change around the world.
Gonny Willems, Licensee